Trick Or Treat… Don’t Forget To Brush Your Teeth!

Well that sweet time is almost here….Halloween is just around the corner. The kids are sure to get plenty of sweet sugary treats this month. We want to make sure that parents are aware of the dental issues partially attributed to sugar intake. The decay rate in children is rising due to the increase in the consumption of sugary snacks.

More than 90 percent of children go trick or treating and return home with bags full of sugary candy that can turn anyone’s mouth into a nightmare. By taking a few preventative steps, however, children can Halloween without harming their teeth.

Sweets are especially harmful, since damaging acids form in the mouth every time you a sugary snack and continue to affect the teeth for at least 20 minuyts before they are neutralized. Since sugar-free gum is one treat that actually helps prevent cavities, it is a smart choice to drop in Halloween bags. Parents can also give it to their children to neutralize the effects of those sugary snack after eating. Chewing sugar-free gum containing the artificial sweeteners sorbitol and xylitol reduces cavities. The chewing motion stimulates the flow of saliva, which help cleanse the teeth.

The worst candy to have is taffy and candies with carmel, coconut, or nuts because they stick to everything inside of your mouth, including the grooves of your teeth. The longer a food sticks to your teeth, the longer the bacteria can feed on it–which could produce cavity causing acid. The second worst is hard candy like lollipops and jawbreakers. Although they do not stick to your mouth, they take a long time to dissolve. The longer the candy stays in your mouth, the more acidic your mouth becomes. Sour candy is also bad for your teeth because it has a higher acidic content, which can break down tooth enamel. Powdery candy such as Pixie Stix dissolve quickly in the mouth and don’t require chewing, they contain nothing but sugar and can lead to cavities by changing the mouth’s PH and giving bacteria straight sugar to eat. Now chocolate, with no sticky fillings, will generally not stick to your teeth and therefor is a much better option if you are eating candy or craving something sweet. But again sugar-free gum is always going to be your the your best treat.

And of course we all know the best way to prevent those cavity bugs….is to brush our teeth after all those yummy treats!

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